Laikam tāpēc nevisai liels ziemas copes fans esmu, jo tās zivis, kad apskaties, nobildē, nevar vairs atlaist.... Neredzu nekādu jēgu katru reizi nest kaudzi šādu ķilavu mājās... Nekā personīga pret šo autoru, tiaki vispārīgi, ievērtējot copes bildes...
Ampelmans just said that he does not see reason for so many small fish. He also accents, that he does not vant to offend you, there are hundrens of these kind of pistures in
Perhaps you can tell here in forum what is your way to utilize these fish?
It's not about U. I just say, it's hard to see, how many smaal fishes are killed for nothing. I can't anderstand, what people can do with so lot of these kind of small fishes?:) I think, the nest way- catch&relise:)
kas par marku tām daudzajām baltajām zivīm?? vīķes ?
rauda un drūms
drūms -pirmo reizi dzirdu,drošvien lietuviešu zivis. bet nu skaista kaudzīte
ne drūms o vīķe sorry my latvian language is very bad
Laikam tāpēc nevisai liels ziemas copes fans esmu, jo tās zivis, kad apskaties, nobildē, nevar vairs atlaist.... Neredzu nekādu jēgu katru reizi nest kaudzi šādu ķilavu mājās... Nekā personīga pret šo autoru, tiaki vispārīgi, ievērtējot copes bildes...
can you write to my english Ampelmans
Ampelmans just said that he does not see reason for so many small fish. He also accents, that he does not vant to offend you, there are hundrens of these kind of pistures in
Perhaps you can tell here in forum what is your way to utilize these fish?
I am using the small black oat, suspended pinka or matyl and fishing. depth 1,5 m.
It's not about U. I just say, it's hard to see, how many smaal fishes are killed for nothing. I can't anderstand, what people can do with so lot of these kind of small fishes?:) I think, the nest way- catch&relise:)
Ampelmans this small fish is max sized she more not growing
I had saw Roach and Perch bigger as one!:)
look at this video and I think you understand abaut what size is this fish :D
dzeki, jūs nav sapīpējušies :))))
sapīpējušies? what means this word? :D
dope smoked.
vieplis you are dope:D
yes I am. In good meaning of course.
tie nav roach, bet rudd