21:01Jā esmu,tas ir pēc likuma,bet ir brīži kad japielieto demokrātijā tās tiešākajā izpausmē,jo krievijā jau arī ir itkā vēlēšanas,bet demokrātijas nav,jo tauta ir nozombēti nacisti
udens2, 10.aprīlis 2024, 21:18
Vienīgā valsts pasaulē, kurā konstitūcijā
tieši iestrādātas tautas tiesības pat ar ieročiem rokā cīnīties pret varu, ja tā "saiet sviestā" ir ASV. Konstitūcijas 2. labojums, uz kura pamatā kā reizi nevar aizliegt cilvēkiem tiesības turēt savā īpašumā iročus. Visur citur, jebkura revolūcija nav leģitīma, leģitimitāti tā var iegūt tikai post factum.
zaraza, 10.aprīlis 2024, 22:38
Re, kāds viedoklis par 2.labojumu-
"2A was never intended to allow private gun ownership in the way it's now cited. The original intentions were the fact that we had no military at that time… Farmers and shopkeepers were our nations army, so they had to have firearms, but now we have the best military on the face of the globe so the Second Amendment is obsolete."
"A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed. This isn't saying - Every citizen can carry a gun to defend themselves. It's nothing to do with the self, it's about defending the nation. That's what historians who understand the wording and the time it was written have to say... Unfortunately the NRA paid a lot of money to some very good lawyers who convinced some judges to pervert the 2A..."
Visu esot izdomājuši un sabojājuši "maitas labējie"))))